Unit Course: Earthquakes
Lesson 1: Reading Basic Knowledge on Earthquakes Objectives: At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: l master the vocabulary about earthquakes. l read and comprehend the selected text. l have a basic understanding of earthquakes, explain where and why earthquakes happen, what earthquake hazards are, and what should people do before, during, and after an Earthquake in speaking l be accustomed to the jigsaw activity and group work. l develop communicative competence. Warm-up Let's listen to a song and you are encouraged to sing follow the lyrics if you can. https://youtu.be/3ZAOmgV5omk (Links to an external site.) Activity 1. Let's learn some vocabulary about earthquakes. mantle Tectonic plates Oceanic plates Continental plates Seismic waves Epicenter Fault Tsunami Activity 2. Jigsaw Step 1 The class is divided into 4 ...